September 20, 2012

Finds 436: Persona 4 Animation Boxset, Ookami Boxset, and Coors Light Shirt

These are pretty awesome new findings mainly because I got one of them for free while the other one was a gift. To start things off, I purchased the Persona 4 Boxset and waited over two weeks for it even though the seller was in the USA. After messaging the seller he apologized and sent another set with a free boxset of Ookami which is a series I've never heard before but it's always fun to check out new anime. I was very happy to have Persona 4 the animation series so that I could watch it all together instead of downloading each torrent. Furthermore, the Coors Light shirt in the background I got as a gift! Coors Light is my favorite beer so it was perfect! You gotta love those commercials where the train comes and cools everything down....ahh what a great feeling that must be. That's all ^_^


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