September 03, 2012

Finds 435: Zelda Book is Mine! ^_^

So here is a new finding! It was given to me by my bro. It's a very interesting book for sure. It's based on the GBC game Zelda Oracles of Seasons. Finally, a new find and a fresh start of the month.

Zelda Book


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Mclawl said...

Hey guys didn't know a place to introduce myself so your latest post will do, had a browse through your content and really dug what you guys put out. Im trying to kickstart my own blog atm and you look like a good source of inspiration so hello, your now on my blogroll :D

famicomfreak said...

Sweeet! Thank you so much for visiting . We do need more and more bloggers out there focusing on classic games and such. If you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask!


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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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