This time around the amazing cards get even better! In this entry, you get the mega powerful normal monster/trap card Spirit Temptation! Lets decipher the powerful text brought to us from ancient Egypt!

"When the spirit monster is summoned and put into pack every time. The opponent also has to summon one monsters card and put into his pack. At own aid stage, if not pay 500 points of life value, this card will be destroyed."
Apparently you can only summon it and then it goes back to your "pack". I'm not sure what this aid stage is all about but I am guessing it's a very healthy stage! OK, that was bad but umm guess if you don't pay 500 points of life value, you won't see this card anymore! Off to the tombs!
"Spirit's Invitation" Each time your Spirit monster returns to your hand, select 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field and return it to its owner's hand. Pay 500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you do not, this card is destroyed.
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