Why you ask? Because this has happened before in a even worse fashion. It's Christmas 2003 and I decided to buy a couple of new gameboy advance games so I picked out Final Fantasy 1 & 2 and Golden Sun. Both seemed to be in the correct shape and all, I wasn't a collector by then if you were wondering. So then, Christmas comes and it's time to open the gifts. I gave my brother his games and he opened them. He went and got his GBA SP and opened the first one, no problem. When he went to open the Final Fantasy box, he realized that were was no game in the box!! Can you believe this? No game in the box! I'm not saying Gamestop did this on purpose, I'm saying some moron worker must have done this trying to get away with it. We went back the next day furious and they didn't even asked questions, apparently it had happened a lot of times in the same day.
Hmm don't sell it as new if it's not new to begin with bob....
Again, I'm not saying that Gamestop HQ called up the manager and said to re-seal empty boxes but come on, that just gives a bad name to the store altogether and now this? That's just way too low by your part Gamestop. I really miss Play n Trade more than ever now! Well, I'm going tomorrow to fix things up so I'll have an update about my re-sealed game, hopefully it's a good one. One last thing, buyers beware! Collectors, examine!
Gamestop/EB are a bunch of crooks. Everyone knows what they do, with buying your game for $5 bucks and reselling it for $30 and then there's your incident.
They will do what ever to make money, even the guys who work there. I think one of the questions they ask you when you are looking for a job is" Do you mind ripping off consumers to benefit the company?"
Wow that's just horrible! I'm getting my true sealed game back tomorrow! Or my money back!
True: they did that to me one time at gamestop. When I bought this game in 2006, I bought it in new condition and I pay $40 for it. And guess the game was it in there. the guy at gamestop stop me and put in the game for me. I was like what. I thought the game was already in there and it was reused copy of the game. And I pay the new price for it. That was the only time they have ever did that to me at gamestop. The rest I have been predordering just to avoid the same scam again.
Good thinking but I don't really buy new stuff so I wouldn't know how to go about this. Thanks for the tip though!
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