I haven't done one of these in a while so lets get started!
Persona 4 (PS2) - I am guessing I'm just halfway through the game as I just got Rise to join the team. I will keep you updated later on.

GB Genjin (GB) - I have reached the final level twice but failed to get through further. It's funny how this game mimic the Mega Man games by making you battle all the bosses once more.

Castlevania 2 (GB) - I was able to reach the fourth level before getting beat up by some eyeballs...The best part of this game is that you can play through the levels at whichever order you please. I hope to finish it sometime in the future.

Super Mario Bros 2J (FC) -Just having the chance to play this wonderful game once more is reason enough to try to finish it all the way. Of course, having the pirate version of it means no rests in between so I will get my game on and finish this masterpiece in a single run! I promise!

Futbol Peruano 2004 (PS2) - I have been playing this game for the past six years and it never gets old. In my opinion, this is what Winning Eleven was at its prime. I play all the games in expert mode and have so much fun battling the computer. You can't beat last minute goals!

Phantasy Star Collection (GBA) - I always wanted to play the Phantasy Star games so why not start with the classic first game. The only problems I'm having with this game is that it will crash at times when I try to save. That's very annoying especially if you have been playing for hours and hours.... I know I'll eventually finish this game.

So that's all that I have been playing as of lately. There are some that I have in my list to play but haven't started yet. I will get started on Sakura Wars once I'm done with Persona 4 though, it's a game I am looking forward to play. Others will probably be Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver and Dragon Quest IX. Thank goodness I have a Nintendo DS once more as the handheld has a vast amount of RPGs with very interesting gameplay styles. Until next time!
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