Well there was no foot soldier find this time around, but I did managed to pick up some interesting items for both collection and hobby replenishment. It was a very odd day that started bad but ended so good! Here we go yet again....

These two awesome figures from the old TMNT set were more than enough to make it the main shot of this post. The game is not something great but hey for .25 cents you can't go wrong. I gotta give thanks to my brother for picking that game up. The action figures were a dollar a piece and sadly there is no foot soldier :(

I was able to pick up this sexy console for 20 bucks. It came with all the cables but didn't wanted to show them because they would make the Nintendo look ugly! It did came with a controller and the Bomberman game. Sadly, I was supposed to get this console with some Mario games but by the time I got back with the money, they were gone! I did found out who bought them though so it's understandable that he is just trying to survive.

I also picked these up for a dollar a piece. Mortal Kombat 2 for the Saturn is a game i have never seen before while the Pokemon coin game is something that looks very collectible so why not? Har har har!

I picked these two up for two bucks each. I picked up Pokemon Colosseum due to my new found addiction to Pokemon (Especially with Black and White on the way) And I picked up Marvel vs Capcom 2 because it's a rare PS2 title that I have never seen in the wild!

I picked up this Pokemon Guide for a dollar. This wonderful guide contains information of Pokemon 1-386 and will be very helpful when playing the older Pokemon games. Gotta catch em all!

I was able to pick these up for a good resale. Donkey Kong Country was a dollar while Sonic 3 was three bucks. Not bad for some really awesome games.

Finally, I picked up this sealed copy of Tetris DS for seven dollars. I actually passed by three times before asking the vendor which at first wanted ten dollars but told me he would take seven. I didn't even asked him to lower the price and people were already packing to leave so I'm guessing he just wanted to make a quick sale and he talked to the right guy!

I also picked up a bunch of controllers including a NES Dog Bone, Nintendo 64 controllers, PS1 controller, and a third party SNES controller. Gotta keep control of the situation!
And that's it for now. There are many more amazing things coming in the next couple of weeks. With the end of the year approaching, I'm going to end things right and show off more amazing findings! I hope you enjoyed looking at these wonderful items! I'm going to keep working hard on my blog so that it'll be respected and cherished by every retro gamer out there! Hmmm speaking of retro gamers, I just happened to bumped into a wanna be retro gamer kid. This guy was an absolute joke! It all started when I was just sitting down in my vendor area playing some Bonk on my SP until this kid shows up and starts asking for games for older consoles. I told him I had nothing, nothing at all! He kept going on about video games and Atari, talking nonsense then he had the nerve to tell me that he knows more about old video games than I will ever know....LMAO I wasn't even listening to half the crap he said even though I wanted to correct him and educate him in more than one occasion...see I wouldn't listen to when he was saying the right stuff but as soon as he went off target, I was right there ready to counter! Anyways, I just smiled as the little runt walked away and just thought if he only knew who he was talking about.....people these days amaze me! Anyways, until next time!
-Findings List-
Xexyz (NES)
Ice Blue Nintendo 64 Console
Mortal Kombat 2 (Saturn)
Pokemon Coins
Pokemon Colosseum (Gamecube)
Marvel vs Capcom 2 (PS2)
Pokemon Guide
Sonic 3 (Genesis)
Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
Tetris DS (NDS)
Controller Lot
TMNT Action Figures
Retro Gaming Life
I have to say my favorite game carts from my early child hood were the Sega Genesis. Just something about the them that I really like.
Hmm yeah I grew up with Mario most of all and Nintendo was so anti-Sega I didn't even knew they existed until years later!
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