Here are some interesting additions that I found while thrifting and hitting Targey. The PlayStation light and Yu-gi-oh! trading cars were from Targey as I went looking for Ninja Turtles and came out empty handed. They did had some but none that I needed. I also found some games which were SSX Blur which I didn’t have in my collection. I also picked up Kirby’s Pinball Land and Zelda Phantom Hourglass which will make good trades when I hit conventions or a possible future trip. Finally, the unusual software boxes of Macintosh programs really caught my attention. They are both sealed and apparently come with tools for design which is in my field. Isn’t that convenient?
Check out the box art of these beauties!
More vintage beauty on here.
A closeup of the games….
PlayStation light and some Yu-go-oh! Cards ! Duel!

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