May 05, 2016

Retro Gaming News: 1st Person NES RPG Dungeon Crawler Shadow Brain Translated

"Today aishsha and Pennywise present to the community yet another NES RPG translation for your consideration. The game is called Shadow Brain and it is a 1st person RPG dungeon crawler. Stylistically it looks a lot like Megami Tensei, but it’s not as terrible and one might dare say is better. Anyhow, it’s a futuristic sci-fi RPG and there’s not too many of those on the NES.
The game is noteworthy for coming with a VHS tape that provided pretty much all of the backstory for the game. We’ve included a translation of the VHS in the archive. There is a digital copy of the video floating around the internet, but it’s terrible quality. We’d be interesting in obtaining the VHS, ripping the VHS and adding subtitles to it. The only problem is that we have no means to rip the VHS. If someone is willing to get a high-quality rip of the VHS, this side project could get off the ground.
It’s also noteworthy for having a JPOP connection with the band Alfee, who contributed a song to the OST and maybe might have had a hand in the game’s creation. But who really knows…
Anyhow, work on the project probably started around 2014 by aishsha after years of procrastination on it. Sometime later, the files were passed of to Pennywise and he finally finished it in 2016. A lot of hard work went into this translation as usual and we believe the quality shows. A big thanks for Ryusui’s help in translating the game. We’d also like the testers for their help in discovering our errors and helping us to polish the game.
P.S. We’ve got quite a few scanned manuals that could use a photoshop wiz.
P.S.S. Pro-bono website design?"


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