July 15, 2014

Retro Gaming News: Rainbow: texture format converter

"Rainbow is a tool intended to convert different graphics formats from video games assets to and from user editable images (like png). It currently supports almost every variant of the TIM2 format.
The main difference with other great tools like Tile Molester and Crystal Tile 2 is to provide direct support to proprietary graphics formats found in “new generation” consoles, like PS2, PSP, Wii, etc., instead of dealing with just the raw image data.
  • The underlying image library has almost complete support to TIM2 texture files usually found in PS2 and PSP games. The app supports multi-layer, multi-clut, swizzled (PSP)/unswizzled TIM2 images with both linear, interleaved palettes, and segments headers eventually extended with custom user data (usually used by programmers).
  • Can open textures in any format supported by the underlying image library.
  • Can open whole folders in search of supported texture formats. All known texture files are then displayed in a list.
  • Can export and import textures in suitable image formats for editing (like png).
  • Any additional information specific to the texture is preserved when exporting/importing (like the TIM2 header data), in order to have a one-to-one correspondence with the original texture.
  • Customizable background color for transparent and semi-transparent images with chessboard like pattern.
  • Finally, Rainbow supports parameters via command line: the first parameter is the name of a texture you would like to open.
The GitHub repository in the relevant link contains the complete source code and more informations on how to use Rainbow."

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