July 17, 2014

Retro Gaming News: The Legend of Zelda Spanish Translation Released!


Game Review (by Garoth Moulinoski):

If there’s a game that knows danger and adventure, it’s this one. You’re given a sword and then, you’re let off into the world to fight yourself through dungeons until you’re to collect all the required items to lead you to Ganon.
The game is rougher than its newer entries. You can only move in four directions and although Link moves pixel-by-pixel, it occasionally feels like an illusion as he still has to take a few steps, sometimes, to change directions that aren’t opposite to his current one. You never “swing” your sword, you only stab. Your money count is also your arrow ammo (but you still need to find a single arrow in order to use the bow). So the game is kinda weird. But it excels in atmosphere. You know you’re in a screwed up world when the only people you meet are hiding out in caves.
The graphics are primitive yet carry a charm about them like Super Mario Bros. or Final Fantasy do. At least you can tell what everything is.
The sound in this game is good too, although very limited. There’s only a few sound effects and like four tracks. It still manages to use them very well, however.
The story is simple. Ganon has kidnapped the Princess Zelda and you’re just the guy to go and rescue her. You have to collect the pieces of the Triforce the princess left behind in… dangerous dungeons, because no fair leaving them in an easy place, huh? Seriously, there’s no big plot twist or anything here. You go beat up bad guys until you rescue the princess.
I recommend this to any Zelda fan. I also recommend it for anyone who is into the action-adventure genre. Anyone looking for a challenge could also apply. This isn’t the game for someone who’s looking for a super deep story or a closed, “hey go from Point A to Point B” type of game. The world is open and you can literally go into the first three dungeons in any order you like.


This is yet another The Legend of Zelda translation into Spanish, but this one’s different! It’s been made to look like just an official translation released in Spain. The new script translation has been done thanks to the 2003 re-release (which fortunately was better written) and Legends of Localization’s exhaustive translation analysis. This includes hints properly indicated and credits staff names reverted to their real ones. Please enjoy this translation and don’t hesitate to contact me if you find any errors or issues!

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Legend of Zelda, The (E) (PRG1) [!]
  • CRC32: 3C07A00A
  • Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG1) [!]
  • CRC32: 02BB0C56"


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