March 25, 2013

Retro Gaming News 187: Suikogaiden Vol. 1: Swordsman of Harmonia English Translation Released

"After nearly five years, the English translation of Suikogaiden Vol. 1: Swordsman of Harmonia is completed.
Suikogaiden Vol. 1 (as well as its sequel Vol. 2) is a PSX visual novel spin-off of the Suikoden series, taking place at the same approximate time as Suikoden II and featuring many of that game’s characters. Suikoden completionists, or anyone interested in the Suikoden world and characters, will find it worth playing.
The translation was completed by an appropriately broad cast of characters, led by rin_uzuki, at the Suikogaiden Translation Project. She got signficant assistance from Niahak and Raww Le Klueze on the translation side, and Rufas, David Holmes and Pokeytax on the coding side - but many others helped get this patch released."


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