July 22, 2009

Some Updates

Well I have recently changed hobbies for the time being until I get back on my feet har har har....I've been trying to fix up this old desktop I had for almost a year. It was just there in my closet and I finally got tired of looking at it so I started working on it. The desktop itself was a mess...I had to change the hard drive and disk drives but I got it up and working with a clean copy of windows 98se since it doesn't support 2000 for some reason and I don't want to waste my only legit copy of XP I have so 98SE will have to do. Installing and finding the drivers has been the most challenging stuff since the computer I have is from the year 2000 if I'm correct. Well I was able to knock down the graphics card driver which makes the desktop look so much prettier as well as some mother board drivers. The one I'm having some big trouble with is the sound driver but I'll try my best to fix it up if not just get a cheapo sound card for the sound. One last thing I want to do is add another cd drive to the computer as well as a second hard drive I have laying around. What am I going to use this desktop for? Probably nothing but more importantly, it'll be a back up PC just in case my super powerful desktop dies on me. Then again, I have my laptop but overall I think this is a real fun project I'm working on. I will show you photos of the desktop and the wip(work in progress) it's currently on. Until then, cya later!

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