July 13, 2009

3DO games are hard to come by....

Man so I stopped at the local Play n Trade because I saw they had some 3DO games last time but to my bad luck, someone cleaned them out already. Oh well guess I was too late for that. I was also looking at ebay and the good games are hard to come by. I'll just have to keep an eye out for them. I know I'll eventually find some. Oh yeah one last thing, I finally made a new video and it's none other than Pokemon Stadium for the SNES!! Check it out at my Youtube page on the links section to the right! har har har!

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thewisk said...

The 3DO can play back up games, just burn them to a CD-R at a slow speed (2x -4x), I recommend you play Return Fire, Star Wars, Street Figther II or Need for Speed.


famicomfreak said...

Yeah I know about the back up games but I refuse to pirate them! I don't know but I used to do a lot of pirating back around five years ago and when I started collecting around three years ago, I decided not to play any more pirated burnt discs. Of course I still play Famicom pirate carts har har har


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