July 07, 2009

Finds 082: Killer Finds! Sega Genesis/Sega CD/32x combos!

Wow what a great day at the thrift store! I ended up buying a bunch of games at cheap prices but most of all a genesis that looked like it only had a sega cd in it but with a mountain of cables on top of it, it looked like it had more and it did. I ended up putting together a Sega genesis with sega cd add on and 32x add on! I never had a 32x so I'm pretty excited! I'm also glad I only paid 12 dollars for it. Here is a photo of the Genesis before I broke off all the tape and bags.

I know it brought a sega cd but what else.

Alright so here are the games I got today. All of them except the gameboy ones were 95 cents each, for some reason they charge more for the gameboy games over there.....

I finally unpacked it and hooked it up. I'm going to need an extra extension cable to play the 32x cd games I got wuttt!!

My first Sega CD 32x games!

Some Sega CD games!

Awesome PS1 titles!!!

Picked up some awesome Genesis titles!

Can't beat these gameboy games! They are a lot of fun!

That's about it, I'm currently having a hell of a great time with these new finds! WOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!

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thewisk said...

Amazing Finds My friend =) Congrats.

famicomfreak said...

Thanks I'm excited about these games but the problem is that I have no time to play all of them!!

DJPimpDaddy said...

Awesome! I have always wanted to play Night Trap lol. Let me know bad it is.

Lee said...

I want to find a 32x in the wild...awesome job man!

famicomfreak said...

Thanks for the comments! I had a wild time with Night Trap! The bad guys walk like idiots though... lol!


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