Well we though it was going to be a nice day to go to the flea market but I was wrong. We usually take our dog to the flea market but this time it was totally different. We had workers from the flea market telling us to get out all the time until we finally talked to the administrators and they said it was ok to have a dog in the flea market. I mean we have come so many times and now they start giving us crap over this. It was just one annoying fuck after another but it was alright my wife sort of lost control and screamed the fuck out of those fools. I on my part, maintained my kewl and kept repeating myself that they told us it was ok to have the dog but something in their heads must not click because they kept telling us to get out. Finally I was able to pick up some stuff and then finally we were heading out until we had another fuck face tell us the same "You guys have to leave you can't have a dog here" while there were tons of people that bring their dogs to the flea market. It was just a very horrible experience but one that I'll never forget. We are going to be back in a couple of weeks and I'm not backing out about bringing my dog to a place where people can bring their dogs as well and no one tells them anything!
Well enough talk here are my finds:
Zelda Soundtrack 1 dollar
These games for 5 bucks
These two nes games for four bucks. The one with the white label is actually contra but it has a sticker on top of it that says how to play contra lol weird stuff.
2 dollars
1 dollar for this game
a dollar for each of these
2 dollars for each of these.
Well that's about it. Not much this time around but very good pick ups overall for my collection. Getting Silent Hill 1 and 2 in one trip really made it worth the time. Prices were OK this time but many people were asking 7 dollars for nes games for some reason.
March 29, 2009
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» Finds 054: Annoying day at the flea market
Dibs on Punchout, Contra, and Paper Mario if you don't need them. And by the way, that Fatal Frame 2 is worth $30+....great steal for two bucks!
Nice finds, does the Contra game have the original label on the bottom of the white label?
And it's a drag when people at flea markets act like idiots, over here there are a bunch of sellers that hassle you to take a look at their stuff but if you ignore them they start to insult you or scream at you, people are very wierd.
Wow that's new but yeah to answer MNDemitri you can have dibs on those two titles.
To thewisk I know we are not taking our dog there anymore but I do need to go so that I can keep selling stuff.
Overall this was more of a horror day for me because I found three horror games(Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, and Fatal Frame 2) that were on my wants list for a while. It was a great day overall. I hesitated to pick up some stuff as well because was only looking at more specific items.
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