August 05, 2022

Finds 1657: Commodore 64 Monitor Addition! Plays Famicom Quite Well…

So I was doing my usual search for Commodore 64 on Offer Up and this came up. It was a listing for a Commodore 64 with monitor for 600 bucks which was way out of my budget so I offered to get the monitor only for a very low and more favorable amount. I ended up paying 125 for the monitor and the seller ended up including the Commodore 64 console with it! I was happy with the monitor and the console was a nice added bonus even though the seller said the console doesn’t work. I have a monitor in my office and my room now! They make retro games look freaking amazing! A forever home for this monitor that will live on as long as it possibly can! This is one of the best findings I had recently. 


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