This NES port unfortunately is pretty badly suffering from poor graphics (including putting goofy-looking boots on the player), censorship, and is also incorrectly named “The last ninja”. This hack tries to restore as much as possible from the original C64 game into the NES version.
- Title screens now include the number 2
- Player sprite improved
- Pentagram on last stage restored
- “Drugs” sign on stage 2 restored
- Some other minor graphic, text, and palette edits
ROM / ISO Information:
- Country: USA
- CRC32 C9C09E0D
- SHA-1 01EA132A014B655DFD0EF67DA8629CEC3A28EBA1
- MD5 6E097A41EF977309C434B9B4A0D4D82D
- Last Ninja, The (USA).nes (No-Intro 2013-03-05)"