February 07, 2014

Retro Gaming News: Dr. Mario World Redrawn -Hack of Super Mario World-



Here is Dr. Mario World. 7+ years of off and on work. Still didn’t get to do the stuff that was planned to do and was officially done with this back in early 2012 but lost all data on a HD crash and had to use a really old backup to restore the hack, so here it is. Enjoy.

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Super Mario World (U) [!].smc - GOODSNES 2.04
  • CRC32: B19ED489
  • MD5: CDD3C8C37322978CA8669B34BC89C804
  • SHA-1: 6B47BB75D16514B6A476AA0C73A683A2A4C18765
  • SHA-256: 0838E531FE22C077528FEBE14CB3FF7C492F1F5FA8DE354192BDFF7137C27F5B"


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