During the late 80s and early 90s you couldn't go to a video game arcade and not play a beat em up game. These games were so popular that people would spend all their quarters on them just to get past a few levels. The games were challenging but they were also about team work, or being an asshole. I'm sure many of you heard of playing cooperative mode only to have your friend pick up the power up which you needed the most. There weren't that many good ports of arcade games to consoles due to the difference in hardware and such but there was a game that was purely made for 16-bit beat em up action, that's where Super Double Dragon comes in. Super Double Dragon is also known as Double Dragon 4 and it's by far the best Double Dragon game to date. The game's soundtrack is a joy to listen to and the gameplay is incredible. You feel like you are in control of your guy more than in most other beat em up games. Billy and Jimmy come packed with amazing moves that help you create different ways to defeat the bad guys. Just like the other Double Dragon games, you don't know how much life bar your opponent has so all that's left to do is to beat the hell out of him (or her at some times but not in this game) and hope they will vanish after getting their ass kicked.

The game doesn't have that many levels but makes up for it with great level design. The places are very atmospheric to their surroundings and make you feel like if you are in that city looking at Billy and Jimmy beat up all these freaks. You'll be able to use all kinds of weapons including knives, sticks, nun-chucks, and objects. They will become very helpful to defeat those assholes but you should beware of the knife because if it hits you, you are dead! There are different bosses in each level as usual but you never get the feeling they are the boss until they come out of nowhere and start to beat you up. They have no boss song or anything which makes the game look even more real, gotta love going in the streets and beating bad guys up. The police never shows up!

All in all, this game is a masterpiece and with added techniques and even the "bulk" mode technique you'll be able to have a blast. This game is just that much funner with a pal as well. It's for sure that two heads are better than one.
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