February 24, 2011

Finds 281: Back in the Game ^_^

It's about time for a lot like this to come into my hands. I gotta say, there is a lot to love from this hunt so lets get started.
Before anyone asks, I paid 75 dollars for the entire lot. That means all the photos on this post so I'm sure they'll be something that will catch your eye. This lot is mostly made up of regular common games for the original Playstation console. I can't keep count how many copies of Need for Speed 3 I have....Anyone wants a freebie?

Here are more Playstation games. These came with no front art work so I had to open them so that I could get a nice view of what the games were.
Here is a game that's going in my collection and I'm not talking about the two loose disc games. Capcom vs SNK Pro is part of my team now!

Here are some PS2 games....The only one I remember that I don't have is the one in the middle. The rest of them I'm either going to sell or give away.

Here are the rest of them. I already have all of these so off to eBay or good friends I suppose.

Here is Resident Evil 4 for the Wii. I already have the Cube and PS2 versions so here we go once more! I might actually pick this one up and play it just for the Spanish cursing.
Here you have a blue Gameboy Pocket and some Pokemon games. I also got my first ever Playstation 3 game even though I don't have a Playstation 3!
Here are some accessories. The Gameshark for the Gameboy on the left and the mighty Super Gameboy on the right. Too bad the Super Gameboy 2 never came to the US but you can always hunt for the import.
And finally, here is a lot of SNES games. A little bit of everything including the classic TMNT 4 game as well as the Donkey Kong Country games. I gotta say, there is nothing that interests me in this lot as I either already have the game or I just don't care for the game.

With such great finds, things are starting to turn around. I'll be sure to come back and bring more joys to your eyes in the future, that's a promise!

Capcom vs SNK Pro(PS1)
Twisted Metal 4 (PS1)
NBA Live 2000 (PS1)
Motorstorm (PS3)
Super Gameboy
Gameshark Pro
Starfox (SNES)
Rival Turf! (SNES)
TMNT 4 Turtles in Time (SNES)
Mortal Kombat 3 (SNES)
Spawn (SNES)
Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
Judge Dredd (SNES)
Gameboy Pocket (Blue)
Tetris (Gameboy)
Pokemon Red (Gameboy)
Pokemon Silver (GBC)
Resident Evil 4 (Wii)
Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
Transformers: Revenge Fallen (Wii)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (PS2)
Marvel Nemesis Rise of the Imperfects (PS2)
NBA Street Vol. 2 (PS2)
True Crime Streets of L.A. (PS2)
Gran Turismo 2 (PS1)
Fear Effect (PS1)
Ridge Racer Type 4 (PS1)
Saga Frontier (PS1)
Final Fantasy 7 (PS1)
Brave Fencer Musashi (PS1)
Gundam Battle Assault 2 (PS1)
WWF War Zone (PS1)
Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit (PS1)
Contra Legacy of War (PS1)
The Italian Job (PS1)


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Jason said...

I think 75 dollars for that lot was an excellent deal! I don't have Need for Speed III, but if you're giving it away as a freebie, I'll take it. Let me know if it's been claimed.

famicomfreak said...

Sir, if you live in the USA then I will be willing to send you the game. Just message me your address!

Jason said...

Can you shoot me an e-mail, and I'll get you my address that way? I don't want to post it for everyone to see(I live in NY). Thanks!

P.S.- I finally got a Foot Soldier figure!!


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