That's all for now, there is a lot more stuff to come in the coming weeks. It's time to get back on track!
April 23, 2010
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» Finds 182: King of Fighters Collection and then some!
Finds 182: King of Fighters Collection and then some!
Here are the new acquisitions to my collection and probably some for resale.
First up is a loose copy of Donkey Kong 64 for 1.95, already have this one so it's a resale.
Here we have a copy of Double Dragon for the Gameboy(yeah the one with no label) that I paid 1.95 for and also a black VMU for the Dreamcast that I got for free...yay for free stuff!
Here is a game I picked up at Gamestop for 13.89 with the discount if I remember right. It's another Atlus title that I wanted to pick up. I'm currently collecting these Atlus releases. Gotta love Atlus!
Here is King of Fighters Collection for the PS2. I got this one at Gamestop as well and paid 8.09 for it. Not bad at all but it didn't come with a manual.
That's all for now, there is a lot more stuff to come in the coming weeks. It's time to get back on track!
That's all for now, there is a lot more stuff to come in the coming weeks. It's time to get back on track!
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