February 27, 2020

Retro Game of the Week 170: Electro Man (PC)

Sometimes I'll be talking about some of the more obscure games and yes even PC games count. There was a time in my life where I was really into PC gaming especially in the mid to late 90s and this is where I played some of the more obscure games around. There are just so many that I will have to dig out my old floppy disks in order to play them again and talk about them. Anyways, this is one which I got in a compilation disk but it didn't worked! Yeah, there was something wrong with the files, it just wouldn't copy to my hard drive and I was never able to play the game. Years later, I found a copy of this game online and downloaded it right away. I wasn't sure what to expect other than a side scroller action game and that's pretty much what I got.
Why is this a pick of the Week?
Quite simple, it contains some classic gameplay as well as sound. They aren't as memorable as other PC games of the time but it's totally worth mentioning. The game did a great job at mimicking other outstanding titles such as Duke Nukem II or Hocus Pocus which I talked about before. Furthermore, the game is limited but still delivers a fresh style of gameplay. It's obscure alright.
How does it play?
You have your usual jump and shoot action buttons and the movement does a good job as it's as responsive as it can get. The difficulty of the game is moderate as you'll be wanting to take a break from time to time, but it's really nothing that will make you want to rip your hair off. Think of it as a beta version of Duke Nukem II, and we all know how amazing that game was. It does fall short on being amazing, but still brings you something to the table that'll entertain you for a couple of hours on a lazy Saturday afternoon.


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