September 28, 2018

Playstation Mini is Announced, but is it Worth the Money?

With the recent announcement of the Playstation mini, I have to say I'm a little bit disappointed with the line up of games so far. I'm even more disappointed with the price tag. I must say, paying 80 like the NES and SNES minis was already pushing it, but 100 dollars for a mini console and we don't even know the entire game line up. I mean, if it's only the 20 or so games, then that's really a shame because it should carry a higher amount of games. If it were around 40-50 games, then I would be really happy to pick it up. Come on, give us more content! I'm sure it's not that hard especially for games that are owned by Sony themselves. I'm not sure as to how to feel about this, but I must say we will have to wait to see if this mini console is worth the money. Be careful with the stupid scalpers!
Also, it doesn't come with an AC adapter... are you serious?


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