August 19, 2017

Retro Game of the Week 157: Fester's Quest (NES)

It has come to this title at long last. I know this game gets lots of hate but you gotta realize that there is always a way to play through a game. As shitty as it may seem, this one is actually not as bad as people thought it to be. Anyways, here are a couple of things you should know. 
Number one: power up your gun! 
Number 3: Have patience

Now that we got that out of the way. Lets take a look at this one. 

This is probably the best feature of the game. Sunsoft was quite well known for the amazing music of their games and this one is no different. Remember Blast Master? Well, the music on Fester's Quest is just as good. I don't care what you think! This is my opinion nonetheless. The sound effects are OK at best. 
Graphics are also very good believe it or not. You won't be double guessing what certain areas look like. They are sharp and will definitely show you where you are supposed to go. 
This is where a lot of players have a problem with. The game is quite difficult and that will make a lot of people walk away from it. The few that stay behind it till the end, will have a very rewarding experience. Believe me, I tell you from my own experience. Furthermore, as I mentioned before, be sure to power up your gun before even going to the first underground level. Look at it as grinding to level up. Be sure to get the right power ups as some of them will lower your level which is kinda of annoying. Other than that, be sure to pick up as many items as possible because you will need them. Don't worry, Fester will get more health as you get through the game. Just have patience! That's all!

To finish this one off, the game is actually not as bad and due to some difficulty faults and the lack of a password system, I can't see it as such a bad game. If it's really that bad, just use an emulator with save state. I think it's worth a playthrough or two. This one is particular is for hardcore gamers only! You have been warned! 


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