March 06, 2017

Pokemon Go Plus Review

So as many of you know, I'm a big fan of Pokemon Go. Well, recently, I came into this device which helps you play the game even with your phone away. So after using for about a week, I can definitely give you an overview of the plus and cons from the device. 

Lets look at the good side of things:
1. Catches Pokemon- Yes, it catches Pokemon for you. You only have to press the blinking green light on the device which indicates a Pokemon is nearby. Catch 'em all! This works great especially if you are at work and can't take your phone out. 
2. It tracks your steps- Yes, you can hatch eggs by doing every day things! Again, you can use this at work if possible and walk around as you are working. By break time, you got an egg hatching, that is if you walked enough.
3.Pokestops- One thing I've noticed is that you can actually go a little faster and still catch the Pokestops. I tried this while driving at around 25-30mph on my daily routine to work and believe it or not, it does get pokestops even though the limit of the speed you should be going is 20mph. It's quite helpful especially if you don't want to be on your phone while driving which you shouldn't be in the first place. Be safe!
4.Bigger Radius- I've noticed that my ability to catch Pokemon is wider with this device. It might be because how they sync so it might be moving slower which is an added bonus to be honest. I love it.

So that should do it, there are lots of good things about this device, but lets look at the cons!

1. Pokemon escape!- Sadly, there is a bigger chance that Pokemon will run away. It'll happen more than you can think of. One time, I had ten Pokemon run away back to back. This would suck especially if you look at your log and a rare one showed that it ran away.
2. Pokeballs only!- Yes, you can't use great or ultra balls which is really bad as if you ran out of Pokeballs, you won't be able to catch more Pokemon. I usually head to my work shift with at least 100-125 Pokeballs because they go fast!
3. Sync- The device syncs really easily but it was made to be disconnected after an hour or so of use which really sucks. You just have to keep checking your phone. 
4. Suffers with bad connection- If your device is connected to a crappy wifi or reception area, you will have to sync your device more often. I guess it's affected by it. 
5. Battery- The battery is not rechargeable which really sucks because the battery of this device can run out fast especially with constant use. A rechargeable device would have been quite helpful. 

Overall, I recommend this for people that can't be on their phones like at work or school. You never know what you might catch. It's a very helpful device. I see it being most helpful when hatching eggs. Believe me, you'll love it! 


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