December 31, 2016

Finds 990: Big Haul from Japan and Others!

I usually get new arrivals from Japan every other month. This time, the loot was pretty epic. There are of course many notables such as Magic Knight Reyearth 2, Bomberman '93, Street Fighter 2 for PC-Engine, and more. I also got some US releases such as High Seas Havoc, Arcus Odyssey, and Insector X. If you also look closely, you'll see Legendary Axe 2 for the Turbo Grafx. This is a haul that just gets better as you look more into it. One last game that I forgot to mention is Kikikaikai for the Famicom Disk System which is known as Pocky and Rocky in the USA. Never knew there was a Famicom release of such a game. 


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