August 26, 2015

Retro Gaming News: Cosmic Balloon Assault

"In the first ever published Balloon Fight level hack, the balloon fighters find themselves having to conquer new worlds that they never knew existed.
Here’s a general list of everything that has been changed in this hack:
  • 12 brand new Phases
  • New title screen
  • Starting lives are now 6 instead of 2
  • Bonus Phases have been modified: balloon rising speeds, points per balloon, and super bonus points rewards
  • Some surprise graphical appearances from other games
  • NROM-128 to NROM-256 conversion/ROM expansion
  • Intro music plays at the beginning of every Phase instead of the first of every 3 Phases
  • Phase designs are revisited starting from Phase 1 instead of Phase 4
  • Custom palette code: each Phase and Bonus Phase has its own unique palette; the original game had different palettes for every 3 Phases
This hack was created as a proof of concept for a Balloon Fight level hack, in contrast to previous Balloon Fight hacks that are primarily graphical hacks.
The level format and basic components of the game have been documented and submitted separately, available for other ROM hackers to potentially create their own awesome Balloon Fight level hacks! Download the collection of documents for Balloon Fight Level Hacking here.
Due to NROM-128 to NROM-256 ROM expansion, this hack uses the BPS patch format instead of the IPS patch format. Please download the beat utility by byuu and refer to the readme file for appropriate patching instructions."


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