October 29, 2014

Retro Gaming News: First Game in Oni Series Translated

"Today we present to you a completed translation of Kininkou Maroku Oni or what we’ve translated as Oni Chronicles -Genesis-. It is is the first game in the Oni series which saw 4 sequels on the GB, 2 on the SNES, 1 on the PSX and 1 on the NDS. In addition to a few novels and an anime series. From all accounts the series was quite popular in Japan, but you should not expect much from the game. It certainly isn’t terrible, but it isn’t great either.
For some background, this translation was started in early 2013 by Pennywise and aishsha. On the hacking side, nothing really noteworthy to comment on other than that the ROM was expanded and items were hacked to be 16 characters. As for the translation, the script was fairly standard with the noteworthy thing being all the Japanese names of towns, skills, and monsters. We localized all the skill names, but we left most of the monster names alone because most of them are various Youkai, Oni and demons in Japanese folklore.
It is also our intention to work on the rest of the Oni series. Oni 2 has already been translated and the main script has been inserted. All that’s left to do is hack in the misc text and begin the testing and revision phase. Oni 3 also has a rough draft translation, but hacking work on that game will begin once 2 is finished.
Lastly, we have many projects in states of near completion that we would like help with in regards to testing and script editing. We would welcome any help from someone with a solid grasp of the English language, grammar and the ability to rewrite or reword sentences as necessary. A good tester is also hard to find these days as well. We’re hoping someone might be able to lend a hand in their spare time."


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