May 10, 2013

Finds 518: Controller Haul! Final Fantasy 9 is Complete!

 Here are some pick ups from yesterday. They were both from the flea market and thrift store. The sport titles you see are getting used to create better more fun games! Should I explain more? Nah! I also picked up some Playstation controllers for a buddy of mine and some Ascii SNES controllers. I picked up four Gijoe action figures, they were the Cobra soldiers and what not, totally kewl. They are the newer versions but whatever, they look kewl enough so they made the cut. There is also a GBA SP which are always handy, that's about it. Something interesting about the copy of Final Fantasy 9 below!
So at the thrift store I found this copy of Final Fantasy 9 which came with three discs. To my surprise, the disc that was missing was none other than disc 3 which is funny because I found a disc 3 of Final Fantasy 9 last weekend at the flea market. Things like these makes you think, are the video gaming gods watching over you and blessing you with a path to triumph? lol! Maybe that's a little too deep but I was able to complete the four disc set nonetheless! It's a lesson for everyone, always pick up fragments of a game as you might be able to complete them sooner or later! Until next time ^_^
x4 Cobra Soldiers
Final Fantasy 9 (PS1) COMPLETED!
x1 PS2 black controller
x1 PS1 white controller
x1 Katana PS2 wireless controller
x2 Ascii SNES Pads
Sega Baseball (Genesis)
Madden 95 (SNES)
Madden 97 (SNES)
Magic School Bus (Genesis)
Gray Gameboy SP AGS-001 


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