You bastard! How dare you fall on those pits and die. I though we were buddies but you kept dying and losing your powers. Now, I know you are going to say "mAMAMIAH you were the one controlling mamiah!" But and hear this, we were supposed to be a team which means both of us have to work together but it was always me and never you. You....only....moved your arms like if you didn't know what to do every time a gomba would bite your ass or a turtle shell would come right back and ran you over. You bastard!! It's not 25 years later and I went back to play your first adventure, the one that meant to me the most, the one I spent endless nights trying to complete. Yes, I didn't sleep much during those days and guess what? I still died! I don't know about those five minutes run where you seem invincible but at least could you I don't know jump when I tell ya?
Enough said, I hope you stop gaining weight you Italian fatso, you are going to kill Yoshi...and the princess is never going to give you some...that reminds me, did you ever got some from her? I doubt it or else we would be playing Mario Jr right about now.

A little late Mario, but I wrote to Merio first, happy birthday.
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