March 20, 2010
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» Finds 171: Some VHS Dragon Ball Z Stuff! KAMEHAMEHAAAA!!
Finds 171: Some VHS Dragon Ball Z Stuff! KAMEHAMEHAAAA!!
Today I went to the thrift store and I didn't found shit except until I turned to the VHS section and they had a super sale on VHS tapes of the Dragon Ball Z saga and I picked them up because why the fuck not? Anyways, there were some other small things that I picked up including a pink GBA for a fag like me, and a Sonic & Knuckles cartridge. That's all for now!!

Hahaha, my brother's first gameboy was pink, he tried to convince me to trade him for my purple one cuz' it wasn't as girly as the pink one.
The pink GBA is sexy!
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