Yeah I am still on the look out for one of those. It's very hard for me to figure out the differences on them since they upgraded one doesn't look that different from the first edition one. I have found four SPs during my hunts that I ended picking up and none of them had the brighter light display. I can't complain though since I didn't paid much for each of these. I even had to buy one of them a new battery because it came without it. I kept wondering whatever happened to the original battery to this day. I have a friend who was teaching me how to tell the difference but the one way I can probably just tell them apart is by looking under it and finding out the release date/year. That would make things a lot easier don't you think. I have come to quite many of them during my hunts though. I picked up some(four) and left a lot of them behind which kept me wondering if any of them had the brighter light. Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to show off one of them when I find it. I want to be able to hit the flea market before the year ends which is not likely but one can only hope for it to happen. Well that's about it, I just wanted to rant about my pain of not having a gameboy sp ++ or is it +? Well who cares! I just want the brighter screen damn it!

One last thing, here is a photo I googled up from the internet on how the screens are supposed to look like. That's a hell of a good comparison and upgrade!! AWA!
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